Build Desktop ReleaseThe scripts are short and easy to understand. The most important functions and workflows are described here. Plop Linux Release ToolsDownload the ploplinux-src-25.1.tar.gz archive. Contents: desktop/arm-boot/ <- Boot files for ARM desktop/hd-images/ <- Create the hard disk images desktop/release/ <- Create the compressed files for the desktop version live/create-core-sqfs/ live/create-opt-sqfs/ live/initramfs/ live/release/ Directories and scriptsarm/ <- ARM Plop Linux files arm-diff/ <- Different files for ARM etc/ <- Default etc files root/ <- Default root user directory var/ <- Default var files <- Run all x86 scripts <- Run all ARM scripts 10_arm-copy-files <- Use arm/ directory 10_copy-files-all <- Use / directory 20_prepare <- Plop Linux Desktop default modifications 30_arm-compress <- Create tar.gz for ARM 30_compress <- Create tar.gz for x86 arm/: Copy the ARM Plop Linux Files to this directory. arm-diff/: This is the place for ARM files that differe from the x86 version. etc/: Default files like password files that can differ from your working Linux. root/: Default root user directory. var/: var files that differ from your working Linux. This script runs the scripts for a x86 release 10-copy-files-all, 20-prepare, 30-compress. This script runs the scripts for the ARM release 10-arm-copy-files, 20-prepare, 30-arm-compress. 10_arm-copy-files: This script copies the ARM files from arm/ to ploplinux-desktop/ for further processing. 10_copy-files-all: This script copies the files from / to the ploplinux-desktop/ for further processing. 20_prepare: Prepare ploplinux-desktop/ for release 30_arm-compress: Rename ploplinux-desktop/ to the ARM release directory and compress to tar.gz. 30_compress: Rename ploplinux-desktop/ to the x86 release directory depending on the current arch version and compress to tar.gz.
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