Odroid-XU4Linux Kernel version: 4.14.55-135 Plop Linux runs fine on the Odriod-XU4. The install description comes soon..., but finally you need partition 1 (boot) as FAT32, partition 2 as ext3 or ext4, the boot files and extract the Plop Linux Desktop archive (ARM version) as usual. Boot files: odroid-xu4-boot.tar.gz Linux Kernel Source Code: https://github.com/hardkernel/linux/tree/odroidxu4-4.14.y Fan control scriptAs default, the fan goes on and off around 52°C, which can be annoying. I wrote a simple fan control script. The script cools the CPU down to a defined temperature and starts the fan on a defined temperature. Add the script to your '/etc/rc.local' to start it at boot time. Sample: fan-control.sh & The script catches the -HUP signal and turns the fan and automatic control on, before it ends on the signal. Download: fan-control.sh Additional resources
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