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How do I find the correct partition offset with a reference file

Partition table damaged, lost or not usable! How do I find the correct partition offset?

HFS+ Rescue can help you to find the correct partition offset when

• you are working with a real drive and

- the partition table has been damaged.
- the partition table has been overwritten with new partition data.
- the partition table doesn't exists anymore.

• you are working with a complete hard disk image and
- you are unable to use the program kpartx.
- the partition table has been damaged.
- the partition table has been overwritten with new partition data.
- the partition table doesn't exists anymore.

When do I need the partition start offset?

When you are unable to access the partition then hfsprescue cannot read the block size and the start block of the Extents Overflow File. Also it's not possible to successful restore the files, because they are stored relative to the partition start.

There are 2 ways to find the partition start offset with hfsprescue.

1. When your HFS+ Volume Header is ok, then see Find the HFS+ Volume Header and the partition start offset.

2. When you have a reference file, then see How do I find the correct partition offset with a reference file.

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Restored files are invalid/defect! Why?

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How do I find the correct partition offset with a reference file

© 2025 by Elmar Hanlhofer